Immunization Requirements
- Step One: Register
Visit Med+Proctor and select register to start a new account. Type in your University of Evansville email address to get started and follow the directions to register and confirm a new account. Please be sure to click "Confirm email address" once registered and you will receive a link via email to confirm your account. Confirm the account as directed.
- Step Two: Download
Fill out any required personal, or medical information. Download the required forms and follow the directions provided. If you are uploading a certified copy of immunization records (and not using the form provided by Med+Proctor) please be sure that the record has your provider's office stamp on it, as well as provider's signature.
- Step Three: Upload
Log back in to your Med+Proctor account and upload a copy of your forms. Make sure your forms are complete and legible. You will receive an email confirmation once the forms have been reviewed.
- Questions and Support
If you have difficulty using Med+Proctor, you may contact Med+Proctor between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (CST) Monday through Friday. During these hours you can live chat with their support agents directly from their support site or while you are completing your student workflow. This feature is located at the bottom right of the screen on Med+Proctor site. You may also email with your issue and this will create a ticket for their support agents to take care of you.
Requirement Details
All new full-time incoming students (undergraduate, graduate, re-entry, transfer, international, and exchange) are required to submit an updated, physician certified immunization certificate and physical to Med+Proctor and have a verified status in order to enroll at the University of Evansville and participate in intercollegiate sports by the following deadlines:
- Students entering in Fall semester: July 1
- Students entering in Spring semester: December 1
- Students entering in Summer semester: April 1
Physical Examination
Visit Med+Proctor to obtain the required Physical Examination form. The physical must be performed and signed by a provider (MD, DO, PA, or NP) within 12 months of the start of the semester. Acute/Sick provider visits will not be accepted.
Immunizations and TB Guidelines
Visit Med+Proctor to obtain the required Immunization Certificate form. A licensed healthcare professional must complete and sign these forms. Alternatively, students may upload a copy of their complete immunization record, so long as it is signed by their medical provider.
Required Immunizations
MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) – Two doses are required. The first MMR must be given on or after 12 months of age. The second MMR must be given at least 28 days after the first dose. A positive MMR titer will be accepted in lieu of this vaccination series if no records are available.
Tdap/Td (tetanus, diphtheria) – The Tdap or Td must be given within the last 10 years. The Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccination is preferred.
Meningococcal Quad (MenACWY/Menactra) – Students 21 years of age or younger are required proof of one dose on or after the 16th birthday.
TB skin test/ QuantiFERON or TSpot - Must be performed and read in the United States within 6 months from the start of the semester. If a student has a positive TB skin test, further actions will be required.
Information regarding religious or medical exemptions to immunizations can be found on the Immunization Exemption web page.
**Some programs of study have additional immunizations requirements. Please contact the program director for more specific guidelines for the program of study.
**Students NOT in compliance with these requirements before the start of classes, risk their eligibility to attend class, live in residential campus housing, and a hold will be placed on the student’s account until all requirements are met.
Please Contact the Health Center with any questions regarding these required records.
Office Phone
UE Employee Health Clinic Fax
UE Student Health Center Fax
Office Email
Office Location
Sampson Hall, 1800 Lincoln Ave, Evansville, IN, 47722